Partner’s principles have a combined 50 years of Phase II Environmental Testing experience in the state of Colorado. One of our Registered Civil Engineers will supervise each of our Phase II Environmental projects.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments generally proceed after a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and generally include soil and ground water sampling in suspect areas. The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment determines if there is a recognized environmental condition and the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment tests for the absence or presence of contamination.
Soil samples are collected using hand augers, a GeoprobeR, or a drilling rig. Soil borings are collected in Areas of Concern (AOCs) are the samples are tested for Chemicals of Concern (COCs). Samples are collected, preserved, shipped to a laboratory according to standard industry methods. Ground water samples are collected from the borings or permanent monitoring wells located on the property.
The Phase II Environmental Report generally includes: a written report, soil borings, boring location maps, geological discussion and soil boring logs. Conclusions are drawn from the available data collected onsite and compared to Colorado regulations.
In the event contamination is found, Partner helps our client understand the scientific and business implications of the findings. Our job is not done when we find a problem, rather we are done when we find a SOLUTION.
Call for a quote:
Gary Reynolds: 303-952-3050
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