Regulatory Oversight
Name/Location of Project
Description of Environmental Services Performed
PCE Release Characterization, Remediation via Soil Vapor Extraction
Confidential Client
Shopping Center – Los Angeles, CA
Partner was engaged to characterize a release of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) to the shallow soils and remediate the site. Partner negotiated remedial levels based on groundwater protective Site Screening Levels and human health protective California Human Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs). Partner installed a Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) unit.The SVE unit was located relatively near a school.Therefore, Partner conducted a community notification program consistent with requirements of the National Contingency Plan and developed a soil abatement program in order to minimize the noise impact to the school and the other tenants of the shopping center. The soil vapor extraction unit successfully removed 99% of the PCE in the vadose zone.
ISCO Remediation of PCE and cis-1,2-DCE
Confidential Client
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board(LA RWQCB)
Data Company – Los Angeles, CA
The site formerly operated three underground storage tanks (USTs) containing waste oil, cutting oil, and degreasing solvents, respectively. A release of chlorinated solvents, primarily tetrachloroethene (PCE) and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), subsequently occurred and impacted underlying soil and groundwater. The site has undergone remediation via high-vacuum dual-phase extraction (HVDPE). Partner conducted groundwater monitoring and completed a Remedial Action Plan to address residual soil and groundwater contamination via in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) treatment with potassium permanganate. Partner conducted ISCO treatment, and subsequent confirmation sampling which indicated that the treatment was effective in reducing contaminant concentrations. Partner is currently conducting quarterly monitoring and reporting of this site, and is preparing for a second round of ISCO to address residual soil and groundwater contamination.
Soil Vapor Extraction system and Quarterly Status Reports
Confidential Client
Site Mitigation Unit, Health Hazardous Materials Division, County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Dry Cleaner – Grenada Hills, CA
Partner completed a Remedial Action Plan in 2007, which recommended a Soil Vapor Extraction System. Partner subsequently installed the SVE system and continues to operate and maintain the system, perform quarterly monitoring and complete Quarterly Status Reports for this site.
PCE Release Characterization and Remedial Over-Excavation
Confidential Client
San Francisco Bay Region WQCB
Former Dry Cleaner – Hayward, CA
Partner performed Site Characterization of a release of PCE to soils, and subsequently remediated the site by over-excavating the impacted soils underneath the building through the interior of the building. The case received closure in January 2012.
PCE Subsurface Investigation and Remedial Action Plan
Confidential Client
Health Hazardous Materials Division, County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Shopping Center – Pacific Palisades, CA
Partner completed Subsurface Investigation activities to delineate PCE contamination in soils. To date extent of the contamination has not been delineated. Indoor air samples revealed PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE); PCE was detected above the commercial / industrial land use California Human Health Screening Levels. Based on the potential human health risk an Interim Remedial Action Plan was submitted recommending SVE as the remedial action. Groundwater monitoring wells will be installed during the next phase of site investigation.
Chlorinated Solvent Subsurface Investigation
Confidential Client
Office Center -Parsippany, NJ
Partner conducted Subsurface Investigation activities at a commercial office space with a chlorinated solvent release underneath the building from a former solvent underground storage tank (UST). Soil and groundwater impacts, primarily PCE and TCE, were identified and further investigation will be required to delineate the release. Partner also conducted a Limited Soil Vapor Investigation which indicated the potential for indoor air quality impacts. Indoor air quality sampling was recommended.
PCE Release Characterization
Confidential Client
Shopping Center / Dry Cleaner -Scottsdale, AZ
Partner performed Site Characterization of a release of PCE to soils. Partner recommended additional characterization sampling, as well as a pilot test for the use of SVE for remediation.
Solvent Release Characterization and Groundwater Pump and Treat
Confidential Client
South Carolina Department of Environmental Control (SCDHEC)
Manufacturing Plant – Cheraw, SC
Completed Comprehensive Site Assessment to delineate chlorinated solvent impacted groundwater. Completed Remedial Action Plan and selected and implemented groundwater pump and treat for Remedial Action. Requires ongoing operation and maintenance and quarterly monitoring.
Preliminary Site Assessment and Dual Phase Extraction
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR)
NCDENR Dry Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA)
Dry Cleaner – Kernersville, NC
Completed Preliminary Site Assessment including soil and groundwater sampling, soil gas sampling, receptor survey and risk assessment. Completed remedial design and implemented Dual Phase Extraction for treatment of groundwater and soil vapor. Requires ongoing operation and maintenance and quarterly monitoring.
Solvent Release Characterization and Dual Phase Extraction
Confidential Client
South Carolina Department of Environmental Control (SCDHEC)
Manufacturing Plant – Spartanburg, SC
Completed Comprehensive Site Assessment to delineate chlorinated solvent impacted soil and groundwater. Completed Remedial Action Plan and selected and implemented Dual Phase Extraction for Remedial Action, treatment of impacted groundwater and soil vapors. Requires ongoing operation and maintenance and quarterly monitoring.
Preliminary Site Assessment, Excavation and Enhanced Natural Attenuation
Plaza – Ayden, NC
Completed Preliminary Site Assessment including soil and groundwater sampling, soil gas sampling, receptor survey and risk assessment. Based on site redevelopment, conducted excavation of impacted soils and introduced Hydrogen Release Compound to enhance natural attenuation of the impacted groundwater. Continued groundwater monitoring.
Preliminary Site Assessment, Sub-Slab Depressurization System
Dry Cleaner – Kernersville, NC
Completed Preliminary Site Assessment including soil and groundwater sampling, soil gas sampling, sub-slab sampling, indoor air monitoring, receptor survey and risk assessment. Based on vapor intrusion issues, designed and installed a Sub-Slab Depressurization System.
Risk Assessment, Modeling and Litigation Support
Confidential Client
Dry Cleaner – Moreno Valley, California
Partner provided Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III Environmental Site Assessments on a dry cleaner release at the property. A Remedial Cost Estimate was prepared to support the real estate transaction. Later, Partner provided modeling and risk assessment in support of a lawsuit. Mr. Derhake testified at the trial in January of 2008.
Subsurface Investigation
Confidential Client
Former Dry Cleaners, Los Angeles, CA
Partner performed a Subsurface Investigation of a former dry cleaner site with chlorinated solvents impact to soil, to successfully delineate the contamination plume. SOW included analysis of soil and soil-gas samples. Also completed a Site Conceptual Model and a Site-Specific Human Health Risk Assessment Report issued to the LA RWQCB.
Remedial Cost Estimate
Confidential Client
Former Dry Cleaners, Pinole, CA
Partner prepared a remedial cost estimate and several remedial options for the client’s consideration.